Anserinae Hong Kong IPO Fund
The fund aims to achieve medium to short term return through mainly investing in initial public offerings (IPOs), post-IPO listed securities, IPO linked event-driven and arbitrage opportunities, institutional placements, investment grade or higher interest bearing debt securities, short-term money market funds and/or deposits.
IPO medium to short term investment
IPO linked event-driven investment/ arbitrage/ institutional placements
Global stocks
Investment grade or higher interest bearing debt securities
Short-term money market funds and/or deposits
Derivatives (including but not limited to stock index futures)

A large number of enterprises moving downstream for Hong Kong
listing in upcoming three years
What makes it outperform A-share
Lower valuation
Fewer participants
Higher winning rate
More sustainable returns
A huge number of arbitrage/ event - driven opportunities provided by hundreds of IPOs
Hybrid AI-driven selection of IPO short-term investment: expected exit by the end of the price stabilization period.
Long-term holding on individual stocks with sustainable and potential growth.,e.g. Douyin and other global technology companies
Selective hedging for system risk management by investing on liquid stocks.
Selective hedging for system risk management by investing on liquid stocks.
Arbitrage, hedging and volatility trading volume for a priority of international placement.
Participating in roadshows, international placement or public offerings (Category B) depending on the circumstances, as well as cornerstone investment subject to the conditions.
Institutional financing rate (closer to interbank lending) for a free-of-capital international placement.
Cross-border arbitrage and event-driven strategies: Funds rolling into HK government/US Treasury Securities for higher returns.
Information advantages: Timely data analysis by sell- side institution and independent R& D of the fund.
Monthly Fund Factsheet

Investment involves risk. It cannot be guaranteed that investment will generate a return and there may be circumstances where no return is generated or the amount invested is lost. Investors are advised to seek independent professional advice before making any investment. The information contained on this website is for information purposes only and does not constitute any recommendation, offer or solicitation to buy, sell or subscribe to any securities or financial instruments in any jurisdiction. The contents of this website has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission.
You should not make any investment decision solely based on this document. Please read the offering document carefully for further fund details including risk factors.